August 12

Don’t miss out on the benefits of a Wix Chatbot! Get started with our installation guide today  


A chatbot on your website isn’t just cool, it’s practical! It can help you increase engagement, decrease churn and improve conversions – all while reducing your workload. So why aren’t they already everywhere? The truth is that creating and maintaining one isn’t easy, which is why only the savviest business owners have them.

Thankfully, Wix has developed an incredibly easy to use Chatbot Builder that anyone can install in their Wix websites! Follow our simple installation guide and start talking to your customers like never before!

What is Wix Chatbot?

If you’re not familiar, Wix Chatbot is a service that allows you to create and manage chatbots for your website. Chatbots are essentially automated customer service agents that can answer questions, provide support, and even sell products or services. And best of all, they’re available 24/7!

Imagine waking up in the morning to find that somebody bought one of your products while you were sleeping! The potential uses for this service are practically endless. They can be used to answer common FAQs, provide tutorials on how to use the site’s features, help customers locate desired content quickly and easily, and more. So what are you waiting for? Start using Wix Chatbot today!

Why Do You Need a Chatbot for Wix?

There are many reasons you might need a chatbot for your Wix site. Maybe you want to offer customer support or gather leads without being available 24/7. Perhaps you want to promote a new product or service, or share your company’s story in an engaging way.

Whatever the reason, a chatbot can be a valuable addition to your Wix site. Read on to learn how easy it is to install one and get it up and running today.

Benefits of a chatbot for a Wix website  

There are many benefits to having a chatbot for your Wix website. A chatbot can help you capture leads, answer questions, and provide customer support. Plus, chatbots are available 24/7, so you can provide excellent customer service even when you’re not online. Installation is easy too.

 The following guide will show you how to install a chatbot for your Wix website, so you can take advantage of all that a chatbot has to offer. Whether you’re looking for leads, support, or information about services and pricing – chatbots are an excellent way to drive more engagement from your customers in real time. We’ll teach you how to add one to your site and customize it so it fits your brand seamlessly. Let’s get started!

How to Add a Chatbot to Wix Website?

What you’ll need: Before we start, make sure you have a Wix account with access to all features (even if you don’t currently have any extensions installed). If not, please create an account before continuing. Once you have created an account, navigate to Settings → Services → Connections & APIs and scroll down until you see Chatbot. Enable this option by clicking on the checkbox next to Chatbot as shown below. Next, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. Then go back to your homepage and select Add-ons → Extensions. Scroll down until you find the chatbot extension, then click on it. Click Install Now button to download and install the extension on your website.

To start using it, go back to Settings → Services→ Connections & APIs and scroll down until you find Chatbot again. Click on Edit Setup as shown below. Fill in your business name and contact email address as well as what kind of message should appear when someone chats with your bot.

Message input field

In the end, fill in the Message input field. By default, Hi there! Will be automatically inserted into this field but you can change it to whatever you want. Click save changes once done editing settings and enjoy chatting with your new chatbot! After installing the extension, the chatbot is ready to receive messages from your visitors.   

It may seem like something difficult at first glance, but it really isn’t – follow these instructions to set up and personalize your chatbot experience in just a few minutes. It’s perfect for small businesses who don’t have enough manpower to maintain proper customer service! You can also use it to promote your latest products and content.  For example, if you publish a blog post such as this one, tell your chatbot about it and insert a link to the blog post.

Sharing the blog post on social media

Your chatbot can also include options for sharing the blog post on social media, adding it to your reading list or bookmarking it for later viewing. Depending on your preferences, you can set up your chatbot to have multiple responses and different buttons. These buttons could include Yes No I’m sorry I couldn’t understand etc. You can also set the bot to reply with images instead of text or only send automatic replies based on certain criteria such as hours or days of the week. Once customized, remember to share your new chatbot with everyone!

A Quick Wrap

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save time and money. A Wix chatbot can help you do both by automating customer service tasks and sales processes. Plus, it’s easy to install. All you need is some basic knowledge of HTML coding. All features are optional, so your chatbot will be unique to your company’s needs. With just a few clicks, your new AI assistant is ready to go!


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