July 25

A Guide on How to Add Live Chat to Your Website   


Your business can benefit from having customer service representatives answering customer questions at all hours of the day, but hiring and training additional employees to do this can be expensive. A great way to get the same results without sacrificing the profits you can make from other parts of your business is to add live chat software to your website, so that visitors can connect with a customer service rep right away if they have questions or problems using your product or service. This guide on how to add live chat to your website will explain how to do just that and answer any questions you may have as you go along!

Key benefits of adding live chat to the website

1. Customers can get answers to their questions in real-time, without having to wait for a response via email.

2. Live chat allows you to build personal relationships with your customers and create a more human connection.

3. You can upsell and cross-sell products and services more easily with live chat.

4. With live chat, you can collect customer feedback in real-time and make changes to your products or services accordingly.

The power of social media is at your fingertips with live chat. With this tool, you can listen to what the world has to say about your company, as well as engage people who may not have heard of it before.

5. In order to maximize the effectiveness of live chat, it’s important that all members of the team are trained on how best to communicate using this medium.

6. Lastly, live chat is available 24/7 to provide support so there’s no need to worry about missing any opportunities during off hours.

Adding live chat to your website takes just minutes and will be a game changer for your business!

Deliver real time support

By adding live chat to your website, you can provide real-time support to your customers and build a better relationship with them. Additionally, live chat can help you resolve customer issues faster and increase customer satisfaction.

Research shows that when consumers interact with companies via social media or email they are more likely to have negative feelings towards the company than if they had spoken to a human being face-to-face. A report by Zendesk found that 92% of consumers say it is important for brands to offer live chat for instant service.

Furthermore, 61% of consumers prefer to use live chat over other forms of contact such as email, phone call, or Facebook Messenger. But not all platforms offer this functionality – so what should you do? Luckily, there are several tools that can add this feature to your site in no time at all.

Boost sales conversions

Adding live chat to your website can do wonders for your sales conversions. By being able to answer customer questions in real-time, you can increase the chances of them making a purchase. Plus, live chat provides an excellent way to build rapport with potential customers.

It’s also a great way to provide feedback to see how you’re doing and help find ways to improve things! Most web hosting companies offer live chat functionality that is easily added to your site. All you need is a little technical know-how, patience, and the willingness to spend some time learning how it works. We’ll cover all this in more detail below.

Build customer loyalty

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. By offering live chat on your website, you can give your customers the immediate attention they deserve and build loyalty with them. It will also help increase sales by making it easier for customers to get in touch with a company representative who can answer their questions.

If you offer 24/7 customer support, live chat could be the difference between a sale or no sale at all.

Reduce cart abandonment

Adding live chat to your website can be a great way to reduce cart abandonment and increase customer satisfaction. By being available to answer questions in real-time, you can help potential customers feel more confident about their purchase.

Plus, live chat can help you build a rapport with your customers and get valuable feedback.

How to add live chat to website

Adding live chat to your website can be a great way to improve customer service and increase sales. Plus, it can help you get feedback from customers in real-time. Here are a few steps to add live chat to your website:

1. Choose a live chat software that meets your needs.

2. Install the software on your website.

3. Configure the settings for your live chat software.

4. Monitor the live chat sessions to see how things are going.

5. Consider upgrading or adding more features if needed.

6. Follow up with any unresolved issues or questions and thank your customers for using live chat!  

Create an account

You’ll first need to create an account with a live chat software provider. Many providers offer free trials, so be sure to take advantage of this. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll be given a code snippet to add to your website. This code will allow the live chat software to work on your site.

Be sure to add the code to every page of your website that you want live chat to appear on. The final step is to activate your account and give it a name. That’s it!

Integrate live chat code

You will first need to find a live chat software that suits your needs and then integrate the code into your website. This can be done by adding a few lines of code to your website’s HTML or by using a plugin. Once you have added the code, you will need to test it to make sure it is working properly.

The best way to do this is through live testing. To do this, open a new browser window with two tabs: one for your site and one for the site where you are testing your chat script. Click on Start testing in the chat window that pops up in the other tab and start typing messages.

Then click Send message to send the message to the person chatting with you. If everything is working as intended, your chat should appear in both windows (tabs).

Setup your chat triggers

You’ll want to set up your chat triggers so that they’re relevant to your customer’s needs. For example, if you’re a clothing retailer, you might want to set up a trigger for visitors who have been on your site for more than two minutes or who have added items to their cart.

These customers may be interested in chatting with someone about what kind of clothes would best suit them or whether the colors and patterns match their style. Alternatively, you could set up triggers based on content pages, such as an event page for a sports event that is about to start soon.

When people visit this page and are about to leave without interacting with it because they need more information about the game, a chatbot could appear and provide them with live updates about the game. Similarly, you can set up a trigger to appear when someone visits a product detail page where they’re still shopping around and not ready to purchase yet.

The chatbot could give them some recommendations based on their shopping habits or ask which product they were considering purchasing before browsing away from the site.

Add your team member to live chat

Adding your team member to live chat is a great way to improve communication and collaboration within your team. It also allows you to keep track of conversations, which can be helpful for customer service or troubleshooting purposes. Plus, it’s just plain fun! Here’s how to do it

1) In the Admin panel, click ‘Manage’ next to Team Members.

2) On the left side of the screen, select Edit next to your desired teammate.

3) Scroll down until you see Live Chat and then select their name from the drop-down menu (remember: if they are offline, they will not appear in this list).

4) You’re done!

Setup chatbot

You can add live chat to your website in just a few minutes with the help of a chatbot. A chatbot is a computer program that can simulate a human conversation. You can use a chatbot to answer customer questions, take orders, or provide support.

To add a chatbot to your website, you will need to:

1. Choose a chatbot platform. There are many different platforms available, so do some research to find one that best meets your needs. For example, if you want an app-based solution, then Facebook Messenger is an option. If you want to create a customized chatbot for your website, then API.AI may be the right option for you.

2. Set up and customize a chatbot for your site. The setup process varies depending on which platform you have chosen; check out their documentation for specific instructions on how to set up your bot with them. When setting up your chatbot, make sure to customize it so it sounds like a real person would speak (for example, avoid using words like um and so). Ask for feedback from people who interact with your chatbot to make sure it’s going well.  


One of the great things about live chat is that it can be customized to fit the specific needs of your website and your business. You can choose what hours you want the chat to be available, what kind of greeting visitors will see, and even what kind of information you want to collect from them.

If you are a doctor’s office or a retail store, for example, you might want to ask people where they are located in order to offer more relevant help.

One thing to keep in mind with customization is not to make the interface too complicated. If people have trouble finding your chat button, they’ll just give up and leave your site without talking to anyone! In addition, if they’re scrolling through tons of text before they find the button, chances are they won’t bother looking any further.

So focus on making the button easy to find while still being aesthetically pleasing. It should stand out so as not to get lost among all the other elements on your page. The color should match your branding and you should use clear language like chat now instead of contact us.

Finally, don’t forget that customer service doesn’t end when someone leaves your site. Consider including social media links so customers can connect with you elsewhere too!   

Add live chat to WordPress with ready plugins  

There are many reasons you might want to add live chat to your WordPress website. Maybe you want to offer customer support or help people make buying decisions. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of plugins to choose from.

You can search for them in your dashboard under Add New -> Chat with customers. For example, if you’re using Stripe and ActiveCampaign together, try this plugin. However, if you don’t use these services, don’t worry – other providers like Olark and Zopim have plugins that work with just about any service out there.

Once you’ve found a plugin that looks promising, click Install Now. The installer will ask for some information about your site (such as URL) before it installs the plugin. It’s important to take care of these details beforehand so you won’t have any problems later on when you go to activate it!

When installing plugins in WordPress, it’s a good idea to install one at a time so they don’t conflict with each other.


Overall, adding live chat to your website is a great way to improve customer service and sales. It’s important to do your research and find the right platform for you. Once you have live chat set up, be sure to train your team on how to use it and monitor the chats regularly.


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